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UAS Eastern European Adoptions Inc.

A private, non-profit adoption agency in Winnipeg licensed by the Manitoba Government.

UAS specializes in adoption programs for Ukraine, Bulgaria, Haiti, India, and Nigeria.

UAS experts help walk you through the adoption process step-by-step. Along with pre and post-adoption information and support, UAS can also:

  • Arrange for the international adoption course and home study.
  • Prepare and deliver required documents to the Adoption authorities in the foreign country.
  • Organize travel and accommodations.
  • Assist with meetings and translations, orphanages and Embassy visits.
  • Coordinate the legal documents required for the child’s adoption, including court, immigration, and travel.
  • Help register your child and complete post-placement report as required by the foreign country

A Child Waits Foundation

A Child Waits Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, formed in 1998 by Cynthia and Randolph Nelson.

Their grants and loans have benefited children of all ages, from  49 different countries.  Their adoption assistance programs are open to qualified couples and individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability.

Their purpose is:

1. To increase the number of children who are adopted internationally by making available grants and low interest loans to families to help with some of the cost of adoption.
2. To decrease the stress that families feel during the hectic and  financially difficult time prior to traveling and bringing home their child.
. To help change a child’s future from one without hope to one with many possibilities. 

Abba Canada

Our mission

 It is the hope and prayer of this ministry that it will develop awareness, compassion and conviction to minister to orphans, through a variety of different means. Our dream is for every believer to be engaged with helping vulnerable children and we long to see thousands of children around the world cared for through this ministry, and others like it. 


The adoption journey is a wonderful and miraculous experience, yet along the way there will be obstacles to overcome. For many families, the financial hurdle may be the most difficult one to conquer. Let us assist you in this journey by clicking on the link below to apply for a grant through ABBA Canada!


Engaging your church to respond and creating awareness is one of the main ways you can care for the orphan. Much of the movement going on in churches across the world is due to church members who are championing the cause of the orphan within their congregations.


ABBA Canada believes that the whole church should be a part of the adoption process. Although not every Christian will adopt, we believe that every Christian is called by scripture to play a part in caring for the orphan. We want to see believers raised up to offer their talents and giftings to serve adoptive families.

Benefits Canada

Plan member’s adoption dream becoming reality thanks to benefits offering


Mandy Kwasnica and her husband so desperately wanted to adopt they were ready to sink all of their money (and then some) into making their dream a reality.

“Adoption is very, very expensive, but we knew in our hearts that this was the right move we were making,” recalls the manager of mortgage sales support at Manulife Bank of Canada, of the decision to adopt in the fall of 2019. “Couples will fundraise to earn money for an adoption, or [we said] we’ll take our retirement money out or we’ll remortgage the house — we’ll do whatever it takes to get this done.”

Ultimately, Kwasnica didn’t have to drain her savings or go into debt to fund the often-pricey adoption process, thanks to a benefit that Manulife Financial Corp. rolled out mere weeks after she and her husband decided to dive in headfirst.

Read: Manulife enhances family benefits for Canadian employees

In early 2020, Manulife officially introduced reimbursement of up to $20,000 per year for adoption and surrogacy support and fertility medication. It then announced further support for Canadian employees, providing 20 weeks of paid maternity leave and 12 weeks of paid parental and adoption leave, effective Jan. 1, 2021.

For Kwasnica and her husband, these benefits have been life changing. They’re in the process of adopting not one, but two, children from Ukraine and they expect to travel there later this year to finalize a long, emotional journey.

“[I’ve been married to my] husband since 2001 and we were high-school sweethearts. We never, ever thought this would be our situation, where we’d have a challenge having a family of our own. We did kind of put off the decision until later, we had certain dreams we wanted to accomplish ahead of [having children] and then you come across these challenges you really don’t expect to happen, so it’s been an extremely emotional time.”

Kwasnica is not alone. Approximately one in six couples in Canada experience infertility and that rate has more than doubled since the 1980s, according to the Government of Canada. Employers have taken note of the uptick and many, including Manulife and Telus Communications Inc., have stepped up to extend benefits to employees struggling with fertility.

For Manulife, supporting employees like Kwasnica means its benefits offerings are constantly evolving.

“We know what it means for so many of our colleagues to have a family and we’re proud to provide this valuable support to help them achieve this important dream,” said Pam Kimmet, chief human resources officer at Manulife, in a press release. “As the needs of our employees evolve, the benefits we offer have to as well. . . . Families take many forms, such as single parents, same-sex couples and transitioning transgender family members and we look to support these different journeys.”